Authentic. Structured. Empirical.
Praajna Jyotisha aims to provide the most comprehensive form of Jyotisha courses with highly structured material, in the most organized learning management system.
The Principles of Praajna Jyotisha are rooted in the Upanishads, and specifically in the Divine Geeta, the Guding Light for those who seek expertise in the Science of Light.
For our purpose is to shed Light where there is not.
Students learn Authentic Scriptures from the Brhat Parashara Hora to the Brhat Jaataka, embrace diverse perspectives in the vast ocean of Jyotisha.
Alongside, they get access to some of the most advanced and cutting edge AI tools, including PraajnaAI and other tools currently being developed.
Students also get access to the Praajna Jyotisha Research Forum, a fun forum where astrology enthusiasts can interact and expand their horizons.
|| प्रत्यक्षानुमानागमाः प्रमाणानि ||
Nothing shall be taught without Proof.
Either from the Scriptures, or from Logical support, or from direct evidence under the aegis of the principles of Jyotisha.
Course Information
Vedic Astrology Essentials | 6 Months
Scripture Based
Structured Syllabus
Lectures with Abhigya Anand ji
Jyotisha Madhyama | 1 Year
Jyotisha Kushala | 6 Months
Special Honours on graduating with high Test Results
